Pro Silva Bohemica was founded in 1995 as a branch office of the Czech Forest Society, o.s. (CLS) with nationwide competence. From 1.1.2014, in accordance with the new Civil Code, Pro Silva Bohemica is a subsidiary company of the Czech Forestry Society. The new full name is therefore „Pro Silva Bohemica, a subsidiary company of the Czech Forest Society“.

The purpose of Pro Silva Bohemica is to seek and strive for the greatest possible use of natural processes in the forest to achieve the economic goals or benefits expected by the owner and required of the community. In practice, this means searching for and verifying ways to nature close to forest growing, where a significant  part of the resulting economic yield is adequate minimization of forestry costs. For a more detailed and comprehensive overview of program issues and goals for the Pro Silva, see the Program Documents section.

Pro Silva Bohemica has been a full member of Pro Silva Europe, founded in 1989 at a constituent meeting in Slovenia.

Pro Silva Bohemica is registered at:
Pro Silva Bohemica
a subsidiary company of the Czech Forestry Society
Zemedelska 810/3
61300 Brno — Cerna Pole

IC 70436207

According to the new statutes of the CLS,  three basic bodies — the chairman, the committee and the control committee — are elected for the five-year term. Between September 2020 and July 2025, the Committee and the Audit Committee are composed of:


Chairman: Milan Hron — Forest Manager of Private and Municipal Forests
Vice-Chairman: Tomáš Pospíšil, teacher and scientist, MENDELU
secretary: Milan Košulič, forester, pensioner
treasurer: Antonín Martiník — teacher and scientist, MENDELU
member of the committee: Tomáš Vrška — Director of the School Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny
member of the committee: Pavel Starý, Executive, diocesan forests of Hradec Králové

of the Audit Committee:

Chairman: Jaroslav Ponikelsky
commission members: Ales Erber, Libor Hort