Informace z ANW – Deutschland

Published On: 28. 4. 2017By Categories: Pro členy PSB, Pro lesníky

Dear ProSilva members, dear all,

attached you will find the status quo of the BioWild-Project, initiated by the German ProSilva association called Arbeitsgemeinschaft Naturgemäße Waldwirtschaft (ANW), dealing with the disequilibrium of ungulates and forest regeneration as well as with biodiversity issues in managed forests.

Please feel free to forward our information to your national ProSilva members, to put a resume or even a translation of the attached article into your ProSilva newsletter, etc… In case of a reprint please don’t forget to mention the following phrase: ‘This article first appeared in the newsletter of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group (see ) in March 2017’.

If you need a Word copy of this document or some photos, please feel free to contact the project office.

Much more information (mostly in German but also in English and French language) about our specific hunting regimes, our 496 control plots and the vegetation monitoring program is available on our homepage. Link: .

Kind regards,

Stefan Schneider

PS: Many thanks to Bill Mason and Mandy Clinch from the British Continuous Cover Forestry Group for their precious comments and their support releasing the attached contribution.



ANW Deutschland e. V.
Projektbüro BioWild
Wormbacher Straße 1
57392 Schmallenberg

Tel: 00 49 29 72 / 98 49 379



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Informace z ANW – Deutschland

Published On: 28. 4. 2017By Categories: Pro členy PSB, Pro lesníky

Dear ProSilva members, dear all,

attached you will find the status quo of the BioWild-Project, initiated by the German ProSilva association called Arbeitsgemeinschaft Naturgemäße Waldwirtschaft (ANW), dealing with the disequilibrium of ungulates and forest regeneration as well as with biodiversity issues in managed forests.

Please feel free to forward our information to your national ProSilva members, to put a resume or even a translation of the attached article into your ProSilva newsletter, etc… In case of a reprint please don’t forget to mention the following phrase: ‘This article first appeared in the newsletter of the Continuous Cover Forestry Group (see ) in March 2017’.

If you need a Word copy of this document or some photos, please feel free to contact the project office.

Much more information (mostly in German but also in English and French language) about our specific hunting regimes, our 496 control plots and the vegetation monitoring program is available on our homepage. Link: .

Kind regards,

Stefan Schneider

PS: Many thanks to Bill Mason and Mandy Clinch from the British Continuous Cover Forestry Group for their precious comments and their support releasing the attached contribution.



ANW Deutschland e. V.
Projektbüro BioWild
Wormbacher Straße 1
57392 Schmallenberg

Tel: 00 49 29 72 / 98 49 379



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